Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby Bath Time and the Dreaded Shampoo Monster!

Does anyone else feel like a total monster at bath time? I start the bath with games and toys and lots and lots of splash time, Muffin smiles, laughs, coos, and looks at me with those "Oh Mom, I love you" eyes all the while I feel like some sort of under cover trickster, just waiting for the perfect time to sneak in some melon scented shampoo. Getting the shampoo on isn't the problem though, the problem comes with getting the shampoo off. We have one, no two of those cute bath visors designed to keep water out of Baby's eyes, guess what? it DOESN'T work! Water drips into Muffin's face, getting into her eyes, and mouth and scaring the living doody out of her. She then throws me the "how could you trick me like that Mom? I thought we were bath time buddies" look, proceeds to whimper sadly, and then throws all of her little strength into climbing out of the tub!    So much for ending on a happy note...


  1. LOL, I did during the first couple of baths. My son hated being in the water and let the whole house know at the top of his lungs. It got better and now he enjoys the water...until I have to wash his hair. That's still a problem area =) Hang in there during bath time

  2. Aaw, poor thing. My 6 year old still throws a fit when I try to wash her hair out. What about one of those cups that fits against the child's head at the hairline?

  3. Don't worry baby.... Your Uncle is on his way....

    Your Uncle...

  4. I too didn't like bath time and I turned out okay (and I still like my mom!)

  5. You aren't a monster urbanite mommy! You gotta keep your baby girl clean. She'll appreciate you for it later.

  6. Ah cleanliness - sometimes baths every other day or wipee baths are not the worst thing. Oops did I admit that? I have a 1 and 2 year old and one on the way so a a sprinkler shower counts these days!

    No - those visors do not work. I sometimes used them and then used a hose shower nozzle that I attached and tilted the head back and this worked better.

    Good Luck!

    p.s. now following from MBC!

  7. Girl, you haven't blogged in ages and no twitter updates for 9 days. Where are you? How's that cute looking baby of yours? Maybe you need to devise a check-in system for mommies? Also, where's your profile? How can I e-mail you directly?

    -Pigtailed Teacher

  8. Hi PT I'm going to attempt to dig myself out of the hole....
    There is much madness to report :)
