Sunday, August 16, 2009

Late Night, My Stolen, Non Mommy Time

It's 1:30 in the a.m. and I'm taking a little extra time to laze about on the computer. Of course most people that aren't moms, think well aren't you supposed to be sleeping? I mean you're always complaining about how "tired" you are, the baby is sleeping isn't that when you're supposed to sleep? well a quick retort to all of that naivete is that I do still deserve the right to roll around in some of my own private thoughts, you my know the kind, the times when you might sit at the computer blogging about complete and utter bullshit or maybe reading somebody else's crappy opinions about this/that/and tother, or maybe sit on the toilet as long as you want or as long as needed, (imagine that) or maybe choose an edible that doesn't have to be shoveled down your throat in 5 minutes flat and savor it, maybe even use the proper utensils....
My reality of being a 40 year old new mom, requires that if I wish to partake in these diva like luxuries, I must now do them in the wee hours of the morning, yes yes sacrificing that much needed sleep that everyone tells me I need (as if I personally did not know this) some wonder why not do this things during normal hours, well plainly put the normal hours are reserved for normal things like dirt, diapers, and dishes....

1 comment:

  1. 40? You look bloody goood!!
    I thought you were 27 or something.
    Your daughter is cute!!!
