Sunday, September 27, 2009

Baby Blog -Hiatus- Haunted By The 'Bloggyman'

I've been on some sort of blogging hiatus, it really sucks! it seems that I have acquired  a  nasty, shadowy, like figure that follows me around whispering in my ear - psst psst, hey you yeah you, the half ass blogger want- to-be you haven't written anything in ages, oh well probably doesn't matter, nobody reads your crap anyway...
Well I've finally said boo on you to Mr. BloggyMan and I'm back in the saddle, to once again type in some more aimless dribble about the trials of being an old as dirt, slightly insane, bald by choice, brand new mom, to the most wonderful Muffin ever...
From here on out like my sassy friend the pigtailed teacher, I'll endeavor to clickity clack in some of my crazy cool adventures in mommydom at least once a day, no matter how much Mr. Bloggyman tries to convince me that sitting on the toilet staring blindly into old parenting magazines is the best way to spend Muffin's nap time!
See you soon :)

1 comment:

  1. I wondered where you went. Ah the joys of sitting down and staring into space. I know it well. Thus my own lack of blogging regularly ;)
