Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh Woman Servant...

I just want to start by saying I love my Muffin sooo much, but as of 3 days ago she doesn't seem all that thrilled with me, unless I'm toting her around all day like some Egyptian Princess, which is fine because she is my Princess but I'm neither Egyptian, nor am I blessed with the hulking strength of the loyal and devoted men servants who would normally have this coveted position. Well anyway it seems that Muffin has gone on to perfect this low gutteral whining/moaning thing that starts as soon as I make motion to remove her from her perch, by the time she actually makes it to the floor, crib, highchair, etc. She has reved it up to full throttle screaming, tears and all. Some offer up the old standby commentary of she must be teething....
Okay fine I've heard about how the human touch can heal, but am I supposed to believe that the simple act of me swooshling her up into my arms has the ability to knock out the pain of creeping molars! I don't think so! Either way being the grade A sucker that I am, I tote her around most of the day just in case there is even a small chance that I may be relieving any pain or discomfort that she may be feeling ( aweee my aching back) - I know like I said a Grade A sucker -
The baby literature says it's just a phase, is it? Or is this where I (sucker mom) mishandle the scenario give her all the cuddles she request, and blindly start down the road of Tiny Terror-dom to be regretted for many years to come? Either way this is a learn as you go kind of a expirence - I'll keep you posted...


  1. I don't like the sound of Tiny Terror-dom, so let's just hope it's a phase. Does she do the same thing with her Pa-Pa? Maybe you could ask others at your new baby play group for suggestions...when is your first outing with them? Hmm? ;)
    -Pigtailed Teacher

  2. well it seems that the fascinating behavior occurs with the PaPa also, YEA!! I wouldn't want him to feel left out or anything...
    as far as baby groups go, I've been bad, I missed the one on Friday because I was feeling mental, and it was raining outside (how do those excuses rank?) I plan to make it to one real soon - no seriously - I swear :)

  3. LOL, it's a stage so dont feel to bad. I do have to agree that the human touch is soothing, a mothers touch more so. Oddly enough there's going to come a time when she's not going to want you to pick her up. Kids are weird =P
