Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where are your pants young lady?

Yesterday Muffin, not only REMOVED her pants for the first time, but then decides to casually toss them out of her crib! She's 9 months old! what the hell? Okay I've gotten past the take your socks off 5 seconds after mommy puts them on trick, at first it was cute, then it was "not" so cute now it's just mildly annoying so on and so forth. I'm sure I will live through this little addition to her bag of tricks also, but the thing that made it so funny was that after she woke up from her nap, did the "mommy, get me the hell out of this crib" howl I ran in on cue, let down the rail, scooped her up, gave her lots of hugs and kisses, I noticed how cold her little legs were, I then thought to myself, wow I must be really tired, not feeling well, a little distracted, of just plain losing it, how could I forget to put on her pants before her nap? after mentally vowing to do better, so Muffin doesn't catch her "death of cold" (that's what my grandmother called it) it's then that  I spy her cute little pants lying peacefully on a stack of stuffed animals right below her crib. Laughing on the inside, partly because, I'm not insane, and I've been spared from the lame moms society this time, and partly because there goes another one of those milestones.....
I told this blurb to her Auntie K. who then reminded me to "be happy it wasn't her diaper, you know that's coming next!"