Monday, November 9, 2009

Well I've been off of the blogging horse again, it seems that sometimes I allow myself to get bogged down in the routine and ritual round robbin known as a "normal" Mommy day.
In the last few weeks I've seen my Muffin take her 1st steps, go on her first leave mom behind playdate with her Auntie K. and Uncle Stevie, give her 1st clear and deliberate "Hi's and Bye's and and has officially chosen her favorite book and is able to shout out the lead character's name - it's Elliot.
It's 2&1/2 months until her first birthday.
My heart is a little heavy, it's all moving sooo fast....
I Love You Muffin


  1. Wow! Little Muffin is awesome! Who says Elliot at 10 months??!! :) I know it's hard to see her growing-up so fast, but it's going to be so exciting and so much fun to watch her reach all of these milestones. I love you M.O.M.
    -auntie bobolicious

  2. Thank You Auntie Bobo, you ROCK! I need all of the encouraging words i can get these days kinda sad :)

  3. I so feel you about being bogged down with stuff and not blogging like I want to. I have yet to blog about my sons 1st birthday...6months ago. LOL. They grow so fast. Love reading about your lil muffin. Keep blogging!
