Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Year! Already?

Well it is exactly 14 days since Muffin turned 1 year old. There was a medium sized gathering at the children's museum on the the big day, it was made up of mostly adults, but we enjoyed the jungle room just the same. I can't believe it's gone so fast, at times I stare sadly at the "What to Expect" series (now up the Toddler Years) stacked up on the bathroom floor, it seems just like yesterday that Kami gave me "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and I laughed out loud at the prospect that I was going to have a baby, that I was actually pregnant! And then a month or so later Kami gave me "What to Expect the First Year" I laughed once again thinking okay we're really jumping the gun on this whole "baby thing" afterall I still had 4 months to go on my pregnancy, and the way that time was progressing that may as well have been 4 years....
But something happened after Muffin was born, it seems that time has sped up exponentially, and that there isn't any option/switch where I can dial it back a wee bit, but I am forced to hang on for dear life on this crazy speeding train, trying to capture every coo, every "1st", every smile, and even all of the "everyday" moments, that seem to be slipping helplessly through my fingers. I am sooo happy and thankful for all of the beautiful moments we share in the present, and look forward to many more in the future, but I can't seem to shake the heavy heart I feel with every goodnight kiss, and every goodbye to another precious day gone past...

1 comment:

  1. I suppose you could dwell on saying "goodbye to another precious day gone past," or, for a brighter and cheerier self, you could focus on all the wonderful days you have to look forward to. More firsts and many, many more good times. And don't worry, if you really feel the need to relive the first 365 days of her life, you can always splice together the thousands(?) of pictures and videos you have of Muffin and pretend like it's still the "good ol' days." Hang in there. You're doing great...except in maybe the hairdo department. She looks crazy in that photo (and I love it!)
